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Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative

December Legislative Meeting Provides Value

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

NIPCO's annual Joint Legislative Meeting has grown in participation over the past several years. It provides an exceptional opportunity to educate state and federal lawmakers on the cooperative industry and the issues vital to serving members in western Iowa. On December 12, cooperative staff members and directors from NIPCO, Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative, North West REC, WIPCO, and Woodbury County REC met with national and state legislators to discuss issues and topics related to the rural electric cooperative industry.

Legislators who were present included newly elected Iowa Senator Doug Alons (SD 7) and Representatives J.D. Scholten (HD 1) and Robert Henderson (HD2). Incumbent Iowa Representatives Tom Jeneary (HD 3) and Jacob Bossman (HD14) were also in attendance. Representative Bossman also serves as Regional Director for Senator Chuck Grassley. Other Iowa Federal lawmakers were represented by the participation of their Regional Directors, Kolby DeWitt for Senator Joni Ernst and Wesley Fopma on behalf of Congressman Randy Feenstra.

The primary message to lawmakers from Iowa's electric cooperatives centered on preserving the integrity of the cooperative business structure, the value of local, community-based governance, and the protection of service territories to maintain efficient and cost-based service to our members. Annual legislative meetings have served as a valuable resource to deepen understanding and build lasting relationships with legislative partners.


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